Career Exploration

Work-Based Learning
Molly Zahradka
Career Pathway Coordinator
701-352-3705, ext. 433
Job Shadow Program
The North Valley Job Shadow Program is a partnership among North Valley Career and Technology Center, the North Valley Extended School Program, the Red River Regional Council, Walsh County JDA, Grafton Economic Development Corporation, and area businesses. Each student attending North Valley is required to complete one 4-hour job shadow.
If your business would like to host a student for a job shadow, please complete our Partner/Site Survey at If you have any questions, please contact Molly Zahradka at or 701-352-3705.
Summer Internship Program
In Spring 2021 we kicked off the North Valley Summer Internship Program with nearly 40 students participating at numerous businesses. It’s a community effort to give students the opportunity to use the skills they’ve learned at North Valley in a work-based learning experience while filling an employment gap in our community. Thanks to our area businesses, agencies, and programs who have given their time, talents, and funding to make these opportunities available for students!
For more information, please contact:
Molly Zahradka, Work-Based Learning Coordinator: or (701)352-3705 ext. 433
Mike Hanson, Director: or (701)352-3705, ext. 412
Cooperative Work Experience
During the school year, students in grades 11 and 12 who have taken North Valley class(es) work during school hours to earn credit. This program provides students with a regularly scheduled, supervised job opportunity to develop and improve work skills aligned with future career goals. The employment must be completed after or during a North Valley class related to the work experience. 1/2 credit per 75 work hours will be awarded with four credits being the maximum. Experiences can be paid or unpaid.