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Our Mission

At North Valley Career and Technology Center, we are committed to excellence in education by serving diverse populations and providing learning opportunities that reflect the changing needs of the community and workplace.

Our Philosophy

We exist to provide career and technical education to high school students and adults living in the Grafton area. Our programs prepare students for employment through related education and training programs. These programs provide instruction in related basic education, career development, general vocational knowledge, family living skills, and specific occupational skill training.

North Valley’s curriculum combines classroom instruction, laboratory work, participation in youth organizations, and on-the-job training. In the classroom, we center on real-life problems students are likely to meet on the job. Laboratory work provides opportunities for students to work with materials, equipment, and the processes of different jobs in a supervised setting. Through career and technical student organizations, students are involved in activities designed to develop leadership skills and reinforce other aspects of the curriculum. Work experiences combine classroom and on-the-job instruction under the close supervision of qualified instructors/coordinators. A strong background in basic academic skills is the foundation for all learning. The application of academics is infused into the training provided through North Valley’s programs. Preparing students for work also includes providing instruction in work maturity, communications, and other employability skills in addition to more specific skill training. North Valley’s programs also include support services that provide career exploration, planning, and development for students.

At North Valley, we believe that all students have equal rights and are entitled to equal opportunities regardless of race, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or other status protected by law. Programs are structured and additional support is provided to allow all students to grow and develop to their maximum potential.

We feel that the success of career and technical education depends on a close partnership with the community, particularly with business, industry, and labor. As the labor force grows so will the skill levels required for occupational success. Technology is advancing at a pace that will leave few if any employment opportunities for unskilled or untrained workers. North Valley will meet this challenge by striving to provide quality career and technical programs that will prepare its students for employment in ever-changing environments.


Mike Hanson


Lori Zahradka

Special Projects Coordinator

Lisa Tucker

Business Manager

Theresa Hickman

Adult Ed Coordinator

Joey Jiskra

Technology Coordinator

Molly Zahradka

Career Pathway Coordinator

Valerie Heuchert

Health Science Instructor

RJ Sanders

Construction Tech Instructor

Randy Kennedy

Auto Technology Instructor

Joey Demers

Marketing Instructor

Susan Shuley

Business Education Instructor

Bryan Stastny

Welding Instructor

Callahan Lemar

Ag Education Instructor

Lane Bell

Ag Education Instructor

Adam Riddle

Ag Education Instructor

Chelsey Zaharia

Ag Education Instructor

Keythe Flaagan

Vocational Counselor

Ashley Hanson

Career Development

Heather Berg

Career Development

Eden DiPersio

Career Development

Laurel Crosby

Health Science Instructor

Mia Kotze

Business/IT Instructor

John Hardy

Building Trades Instructor

Member Schools

North Valley Board Representative: Tom Fagerholt
Kierstin Hurtt, Superintendent
Jordan Hollingsworth, Principal
P.O. Box 129
Crystal, ND 58222

North Valley Board Representative: Michael Larson
Michael Babinski, Superintendent
108 S. 5th St.
Drayton, ND 58225

North Valley Board Representative: Maggie Suda
Darren Albrecht, Superintendent
Randy Rice, Principal
1548 School Road
Grafton, ND 58237

North Valley Board Representative: Jared Peterka
Austin Salyer, Superintendent
3202 33rd Ave.
Inkster, ND 58244

Shane Robinson, Superintendent
Andrew Mondry, Principal
200 4th St.
Minto, ND 58261

North Valley Board Representative: Brad Brummond, President
Aaron Schramm, Superintendent
Frank Justin, Principal
704 5th St. W.
Park River, ND 58270

Student of the Month

Gracie Burianek

Grade 12

September Student of the Month – Currently enrolled in CDL and Cooperative Work Experience.

Anja Schluchter

Grade 12

October Student of the Month – Currently Enrolled in Agriculture Education.

Jessica Galvan

Grade 11

November Student of the Month – Currently enrolled in Agriculture Education.

Connor Puppe

Grade 12

December Student of the Month – Currently enrolled in Construction and CDL classes.

Tech Honor Society

As a member of the North Valley Technical Honor Society, I pledge to maintain the highest standard of personal conduct. I will apply myself to continue a record of scholastic achievement, and I will strive for excellence in all aspects of my education.

I will invest my talents, my skills and my knowledge in a career of my own choosing, and shall always endeavor to uphold my obligations as a citizen of my community and my country.

19-20 Inductees

Luis Balderas Jr.
Julia Dusek
Signe Ekman
Bryan Flanders
Anthony Gonzalez
Samuel Johnson
Kody Keeley
Joseph Kram
Austin Obregon
Ryan O’Toole
Gillian Rahn
Tayla Redepenning
Casey Rudnik
Tucker Satterlund
Cassie Sieben
Kasey Stegman
Andrew Votava
Landon Woinarowicz

20-21 Inductees

Reagan Hanson
William Jiskra
Jadrian Moe
Grace Narloch
Kydyn Pastorek
Kenneth Porter
Greer Schumacher
Elizabeth Suda
Ella Thompson
Molly West
Jonah Zikmund

21-22 Inductees

Keira Cole
Walker Demers
Maxwell Dumas
Christina Farm
Warren Jelinek
Aiden McLain
Ainsley McLain
Tyler Moe
Marcelino Romo
Mitchell Shirek
Ethan Suda
Owen Zikmund
Zach Zikmund

22-23 Inductees

Braylon Baldwin
Kodi Bell
Aria Braaten
Jacob DeGeldere
Addison Fredericksen
Samuel Green
Ryan Hanson
Conner Hodek
Justin Jurgens
Justin Klose
Bryce Kringstad
Megan Larson
Jacklyn McCash
Isabella Moen
Reese Olson
Rylan Ray
Abram Sevigny
Riley Suda
Ava St. Vincent
Joseph Vandal
Juan Villarreal

23-24 Inductees

Brodin Agotness
Lily Agotness
Daphne Almonte
Molly Bjorneby
Savannah Blackcloud
Bryce Boe
Jonathan Farm
Emma Kirkeby
Emmit Miller
Annelise Presteng
Jiselle Quijano
Mytia Schap
Libby Stokaluk
Josephine Suda
Sydney Suda
Aubrey Tompkins
Paityn Ziegelmann